Moo Moo meets the Moo Moos!

Quiet day in at Sams waiting for the men to come home.

I looked after Matty while Daughter Number 1 and Sam went shopping. I made him a smoothie that he loved. Hes been a bit off his food after his cold.

We took Bella for a little walk to show Matty some cows. I have always called him Matty Moo Moo which has now been shortened to just Moo Moo by everyone which is cute!

Mr W picked DN 1's partner up from Exeter Station now that he is covid clear and they both arrived at 3 o'clock. It was great to see them both.

We all went out for dinner to the pub we met Sam and Viktoriia in last week. Moo Moo was a right proper character and had us all amused!!

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