
By lynnjones7186


Songkran is fast approaching and rehearsals are taking place for the celebrations. On our way home last night our Tuk driver very kindly pulled over so that I could take a photo.

We learnt more about Songkran from our waitresses. Songkran is spread over three days. On the first day people go to Temples to honour Buddha, the second day they visit the Temple to honour relatives, both alive and deceased, on the third day they take sand into the Temple and build a Stupa. This begged the question Why? Neither knew, so time to google. The answer was both simple and beautiful. The sand is taken in to Temples replace all the sand and dust that has been removed during the year on people's feet. We presume that the sand Stupa disintegrates slowly. Also over the three days people sprinkle water on to the hands of friends and family to symbolise cleansing of the spirit. Over the years this has led to people indulging in water fights. Going out over Songkran guarantees getting soaked. It was fun the first couple of years, but you do get over it. This year it has been declared that Songkran will be water and alcohol free....yeah right. There is also entertainment featuring traditional Thai dancing and singing. We are going to stay home, but will go for dinner on Thursday.

So Happy Songkran everyone.

p.s. We still have high air pollution.

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