Have You Guessed What It Is Yet?

It was really low, almost misty, grey skies in all directions when I headed off to the shop for opening.
The strange thing though was it was clear blue skies directly overhead.
It was closing in when I got home so I dumped the shopping in the kitchen grabbed the camera and went to get my Blip in some decent light.
There are a couple of clues over here if you need them.

After that I had fun making a small box out of really small scraps of wood.
Smaller boxes can me harder to made because there isn't much for the chuck to hold onto (especially without marking the wood) ... also I don't have 'miniature' tools designed for such work.
So I have 3 emergency Blips in the Blip bank (or I will have when I have put a finish on the insides).

The waste of space that was my printer is now residing the the 'small appliances' spot at the tip recycling centre ...... not that our council seems to manage to recycle much despite the efforts of the residents. Which is an absolute joke as they are talking about us getting a 4th bin so 'we' can recycle more.

I spent ages trying to work out the new phone today.
It would appear that all my music (which is really well hidden in the menus) cannot be played by whatever system the phone has built in.
I (think) I am now able to see the pictures on Blip - up until this afternoon I was only able to see a black square and the name of the person posting it.
God but I hate mobile phones ..... they are the worst invention ever.

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