Reflections on Freedom

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.” 
 – Herbert Hoover

I saw this reflection on the stairway wall this morning. The light coming in, flooding the reflection of the bars, lightening them, causing them to fade away. It made me think of all those barred from freedom in the midst this terrifying conflict in Ukraine.  I have a Ukrainian friend and a Russian friend from years of posting on instagram. My Ukrainian friend is far from her homeland, living now in New Zealand, constantly worried about her family and war torn country. The freedoms of life, liberty, happiness have been bombed into oblivion. My Russian friend has her life, but liberty and happiness are denied her by propaganda and a war fought not in her name, but in the name of a cruel, freedom robbing tyrant. I try my best to support them both through the open window of the internet, desperate to let the light in.

There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in”: 
- Leonard Cohen

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and warm. My day was improved by a visit from busy Hunter and sweet Nora, you can see them in the extra.

All hands begging for PEACE.

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