Apple Blossom Time

Work was surprisingly very quiet last night. It felt like a sleepy Sunday not a Good Friday, though we probably sold as much, if not more fish than a normal Friday - virtually every customer before 8PM had fish. The Good Friday fish tradition is clearly still alive! After 8PM though, business was largely dead, and I can count the number of kebabs we sold on one hand! We were away early which is  big rarity on a Friday.

I went to my Dad's today and he is really tired - says he's felt like it since having the vaccine, but I think it might have started before. It might be nothing to do with the vaccine or anything other than the fact that he has been working more in his garden since the weather improved - cutting grass, moving stuff etc.

I noticed when working in the kitchen how much blossom the apple trees have, particularly this James Grieve tree! Hopefully this will mean a better crop of apples than last year. The extra shows how chaotic it all is. He should employ someone to help in the garden but he says they will do it "all wrong"! Grrr! That said he has a point, as the trees were "pruned" by someone who knocked on the door offering their services a couple of years back and they did do a bit of a hatchet job!

Work again tonight - I expect it will be busier than last night and more kebabs will be sold. Neither of these things would be difficult!

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