Towards the shore (Day 2536)

The morning wander along the road with Sigyn was fairly chilly and there was a stiff breeze blowing. Thankfully by the time  my beautiful wife and Iwere across in Stromness, it had warmed up enough that we could  leave our jackets in the car and get out on the horses. George was in a fairly excitable mood and treated me to a couple of bucks, then ignored my requests to slow down. I guess he is enjoying the new grass. A great ride out which served to remind me that George is quite strong when he puts his mind to it.
Plans for the afternoon were put on hold by a call out to Costa (the place, not the "coffee" shop), where a customer had managed to bash a nail through a pipe. On the way home from that there was another call out to an airlocked hot water system.
Back home briefly then off for the afternoon hoss check and the chance to feed George and Red an orange each.
Curry this evening with C&S should be good.

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