Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T

Enjoying the sunshine

Mr T was enjoying "Only Fools and Horses" this afternoon which allowed me to get a coat of paint on both sides of the back and one of the side panels.  It was nice to be enjoying the sunshine.

Mr T had a wobble from a seated position yesterday evening which really scared him and he was holding onto anything he could in case it happened again.  He woke up just after 04:30 in a panic because he'd "fallen asleep on the bus on the way to work and missed his stop, so maybe I shouldn't go to work until I'm right again".  He did settle back down which was good.

Dad called me this morning, and not by mistake this time!  I feel like I have two relationships with him now, father daughter and, carer to carer.  He's never been one to talk about emotional and touchy feely stuff but now we actually can and do talk about those topics now.  He said he wasn't coping well, so I reassured him that he was doing an amazing job and how he was feeling was natural.  That there is a grief process to go through when life changes so much and you are an essential carer.  The realisation of how much has changed, hopes and dreams are gone, and life will never ever be "normal" again.  He seemed better at the end.  I'm so glad he can talk to me and I don't think I've ever felt our relationship was as close as it is now.

Writing this has made me feel sad.  How am I going to cope without Mum to ask about how to do x, y and z for sewing and other things

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