
By Veronica

Mucking about

A faint pink line this morning, so no outing for me! I can't say I was surprised. I'll try again tomorrow.

Once again it was a lovely sunny day. More choir website updating, and I blogged my Paska bread. Read my book, did some more knitting. Read stuff on the Internet. Then I got so bored I decided to try photographing the moon from the window.  This has never been one of my strengths, and I don't think I've done it with this camera before. Just could not figure out the settings. So here's some abstract, er, art. Cropped, increased contrast, added clarity, removed noise, added grain back in ... you name it, I tried it.

On a brighter note, today would have been French singer Boby Lapointe's 100th birthday. We were introduced to his music by M, who sold us our house and became a friend. The songs sound silly, but M loved the wit, clever puns, and wordplay, and so do I. I give you Le Tube de Toilette. Lyrics here.

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