

a day of waiting

and rest

it’s the in-between - as we contemplate that shadowy - time and all that - jesus did for us - as he entered the tomb - and what it will mean - upon being raised on resurrection sunday - that in-between as you grapple - with the grief and shock - and tragic death of someone - who didn’t deserve what - they got and now things - feel very dark - and uncertain and confusing - at that point in time - they couldn’t see the - hope we are able to see today - however scripture says - they still did what they were supposed - to do on sabbath - they rested

“then they returned and prepared spices and perfumes. and they rested on sabbath according to the commandment” luke 22:56 (csb)

how about you - how are you with - the in-between times of life - do you busy yourself - when questions and doubts come in - when uncertainty hits - or can you still yourself - enough to wait - to rest through the anxiety - and potential depression, loss, illness - or loneliness that might overwhelm you - because you think you - can’t see the hope rising up - from the darkness - swirling around you

to rest is an invitation - to those who are confused - and doubting and wanting - it’s a reminder to - live in the in-between and - see the hope that is coming - however vague it might be - because even in vagueness - you can find rest

so we wait - to behold a most glorious Son rise tomorrow - and the ultimate hope - he is bringing to us - so we can once again - claim it to be…


happy day.....

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