

a dark day in history

for christ followers

yet one filled with much hope

most individuals know the story - or at least are - familiar with the telling of it - how a simple man - jesus of nazareth - declared himself the son of god - performed many miraculous - deeds and preached life - giving words to the people - for this, he was brought to task - and even though no fault - was found with him - the mobs demanded him to be - crucified and put to death

we might not like to - acknowledge it, but he did this for us - to atone for our sin - our wrongdoings in life

but he was crushed for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. isaiah 53:5 (niv)

abba had to show himself - as well, victorious over sin through - that death and then - the ultimate resurrection - of jesus on sunday - yes, hope is coming - because of victory - over sin and we - get to declare it…


happy day.....

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