Bit of a Puzzle

A tree.  In a garden.   In Birmingham.  Spotted while we picked up Ruth's keys which I inadvertently left in her flat on Wednesday evening.   Good job the support worker was still at work when we drove away without them!   I'll leave you to puzzle out the tree ;-)

Ruth's back in her flat, awaiting the arrival of her Mum and the cat, Timmy, tomorrow.   He was kind of Ruth's cat, her constant companion when she was at home almost all the time for a number of years in her teens.  Will he remember her after a few years break?  I think so.

So, it's been mostly a driving day.  Some shopping with Ruth.   Some pruning of buddleias, arisings in my car heading for my green waste bin.   A very slick run back home this evening, Wales has a lot of visitors this Easter weekend but they'd all arrived before me :-)

Shall we start a campaign to send our PM and Home Secretary to Rwanda?   I'll contribute to a one way ticket for them.   
The situation in Ukraine and the alternative reality in Russia chills my blood.   The idea of sending refugees to Rwanda makes my blood boil.   

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