Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A moo point

We went for a walk, TSM, strider and I. Just the local common where the trendy cows hang out (no common breeds here, this is Surrey) although TSM gets edgy about bovine behaviour which she says is unpredictable (she collects stories of people killed by cows). Strider bought us drinks in Heather Farm cafe, although I did get a bit tired at that point. It was actually quite warm again today.

We had enjoyed a rather lovely morning. Brunch, Easter eggs, coffee and conversation in the garden. My favourite things. Could hang out with family and friends and a cup in my hands all day long.

We also had the excitement of putting up a new rotary washing line. Death to all tumble driers I say.. Couldn’t find the clothes pegs of course. They are in a black hole with my missing socks somewhere. And I "built’ another bookcase, I.e., screwed four pieces of timber together. Looks dead nice though.

Been a fab weekend and not over yet.

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