Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Top of the Street

A wet One Street entry today: this afternoon as I reached the top (railway station end) of Katoomba St. I like the shining reflections and lights. Large here.

I also very much like coming home to a tidy house, now that the kids' crap is tucked away in their playroom.

I very much do not like the way some abominable excuses for humans treat their fellow humans. Of course I'm referring to the Boston Marathon bombing, and today's bombings in Iraq as well. Absolutely appalling and deeply distressing. And of course then the Internet eedjits came out, further trampling on my faith in humanity.

However, these abhorrent people (whether evil bombers or eedjit commenters) are really a tiny portion of the whole of humanity - good thing, otherwise we'd none of us be here.

DO NOT CLICK IF SQUEAMISH - this is graphic, and horrid. To be honest I'm not entirely sure why I'm linking it; maybe I just want to cleanse myself by having others see it and be horrified; maybe there's some worth in being reminded so forcefully of the physical horror that results from this sort of thing. I dunno.

And it was being run in honour of the kids/families from the Newtown massacre, and some of those families were there... just ... too much. :-/

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