A day in the life

By Shelling


My friend Ove, the cellist, and his wife owns a house in the north of my island. The house, an old railway station, is their second home during the summer period. No hot water and only an outdoor toilet. They love it, as lots of Swedes do during summer, and they don't miss modern facilities at all. Time slows down and all everyday events loses some of their importance. What happens, happens now and get all the attention needed, if it's creating ceramics or doing the dishes.
Me, and a couple of other close friends, were invited for an easter meal and a sauna. We started off with a game of boule, where my team lost heavily. After the meal, lamb of course, we had out sauna, sweating together in their own self-made sauna in the garden. It's a special feeling having a sauna, naked together in a small room, with friends that you normally meet all dressed up. We've done this before, so conversation flows fairly easy and doesn't feel  awkward any more. It takes a bit of trust and following some sort of quiet agreement to work. I know some people wouldn't imagine trying but I think the experience is rather liberating, as long as the group of people is the right one.

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