I'm a sucker for colours

As I got out of bed, I suddenly noticed a tiny cloud of miniscule spiders all huddled together against the window pane, where they were obviously enjoying the warmth of the sun's rays. I think they had all just hatched out and with no 'mummy or daddy' spiders about were thronging around a bit aimlessly. There were fine linear gossamer threads stretched across the glass within which they seemed to be protected. Sometimes some would explore away from the group, before turning to rush back to the safety of their brethren.

I immediately fetched my camera and tried a range of different shots and settings, but within the confines of the bedroom and the back lighting from the intermittent sun I haven't got good shots. It was a bit difficult getting focus when each spider was only about 3mm across, the whole bunch was only about 70mm across and there was no room for a tripod.

I then went downstairs to make us coffee and when Woodpeckers joined me, I suddenly spotted the tulips flowers, which I had brought in from the garden on Sunday for my blip. They were now completely open trying to grab as much of the sun coming through the windows as possible. Since I love colour so much, and the dear spiders weren't well photographed, here are the tulips in all their glory, which I don't think will last long now they are indoors.

I have posted a picture of the spiders here on my blipfolio, so you can at least see them and the problems I had.

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