
I can smell a cooked breakfast wafting through my open door into the garden...

gennepher's cat diner is busy this morning with four footed, then various two footed, then the parade of the gingers with each ginger stopping by my open bedroom door into the garden to have a conversation with me. One ginger has hypnotic green eyes, and the straightest of white whiskers sticking out at the side of his head like an aeroplane...

Creative today is one of the illustrations from my memories for the grandkids and my kids. I am just 17. I have passed my car driving test. And with the aid of this blue Vespa (and maybe my mini dress which I made myself), I passed my full motorcycle licence! I knew the correct answers to every one of the examiner's questions. No helmet was needed in those days...

Let us hope the sun actually comes out and shines properly today. My fingers are icy cold typing this...
Coffee needed.
Diner needs replenishing.
Have a good day.

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