Lighthouse #31

Yesterday, I had a problem at the petrol station.
I went to put petrol in my car.
But the petrol pump screen didn't reset to zero.
I waited a few seconds (the cashier usually resets it from the till).
The cashier was too busy having a conversation with someone.
So, I lifted it out of the holder. It still didn't reset to zero.
So, I placed it into my car, but didn't touch the fuel lever.
It still didn't reset to zero. It still had the previous purchase on it.
So, I placed it back into the pump, and went to the cashier.
He responded as if I were a batty old lady who had lost my marbles.
He told me to do all the things I had already done.
Finally, he came out to the pump. I went through the lot again with him there.
It wouldn't reset to zero. It still had the previous purchase on it.
Finally he said, put the pump in the car and press the lever. That should reset it to zero.
I have never seen this cashier man at my regular garage before.
I replied, "And add that sum of money to my purchase? No, I wasn't born yesterday".
He looked at me, then went back to his till, and reset the pump to zero from there.

Was this a scam, was the reset broken on the pump, what was it?

Any advice please.

I am now nervous of filling my car again.

Wildlife nighttime camera

Badger & Fox & Cats

A busy night.
The badger, KissyKissy, stands on hind legs and sniffs air several times.
It makes him look nearly 5 feet tall (about a metre and a half)...

Creative is Lighthouse #31

I am going to have a peaceful day today.
So, have your best day.
A cuppa is called for now.

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