Low rainbow

I've never seen one quite this low or shallow before. Sadly, my fount of knowledge for all that sort of thing was Dad who would've been able to explain in great depth. I'm just left to admire its beauty!

We got a small group together to tackle the worst of the rubbish at the top of the oyce (inlet) and have hauled away about half the stuff. The amount there has accumulated over quite some time so it's a bit interesting trying to disentangle embedded netting and silage plastic from the shore but we've done our best. A friend and I had another hour's go at the area nearer our house but I need to stop for at least a day as my back is now protesting - stupid thing.

Still trying to get to grips with newish technology that's supposed to allow you to administer golf competitions easily. Honestly, give me a scorecard and pencil any day.

So, too much bruck picking and a little sitting at a computer meant I couldn't contemplate sitting for lengths of time at choir tonight. I'll be better next week!

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