Pictorial blethers

By blethers

It's the little things ...

As Topsy Turvy pointed out yesterday, I was destined to come back down with a bump today as I tackled the things that I had left undone (little nod to the Prayer Book there ...) and set about the freezer. I've been putting defrosting off for quite a while because it was full of food, especially things bought for Himself while I was away on the Holiday That Never Was. There's a limit to what I can pack into the fridge and a couple of freezer bags at the best of times. Then there's the lumps of ice sitting around in The Right Place (the sink, maybe the bath) and The Wrong Place (the carpet on the landing, where the freezer is. Did I mention that the freezer is at the top of the stairs? 

To be fair, Himself did a lot of heroic scraping and wiping down while I tackled other things undone - mainly a washing that got out on the line when the suggestion of showers seemed to die away, as well as sweeping the floor. Then, fortified with coffee, I thought I'd book the return flights to Gatwick to join up with our walking group going to Italy in May. NIGHTMARE. 

We've almost always travelled from Gatwick with this firm, HF, mainly because if we arrange our own flights we can end up in bothers with transit to and from the resort. Till now it's not been a bother. It is now. BA fly only two flights to Gatwick on a Friday; the rest are to Heathrow. Eventually, with much fuss, I found a suitable flight time with Easy Jet, added on the appropriate extras, and reserved ...only the outward trip. Why? Because we're returning on a Saturday at midday and Easy Jet only has two flights to Glasgow on Saturday, and only in the morning. We get into Gatwick, ceteris paribus, around 1pm. So I then had to go back to BA and reserve seats on the homework journey much later than I'd have liked, because we have to be sure we get from Gatwick to Heathrow in time for our onward flight home. And BA have always not liked my credit card...

Lunch was at 2.40pm. Nuff said. 

Rather than do any other booking in the afternoon, we headed out about 4.30pm to walk up the Glen Massan road. The forecast had suggested it might be better in weather to the north of town, and indeed we had sunshine throughout and flowers and burgeoning trees and hay fever - all the joys of Spring...

There was a wonderful field of lambs abandoning their mothers for the most part, though there are always some who are clingier; it's one of those in the first photo in the collage. There was also a wonderful little gang of them charging around and leaping into the air in that fantastically vertical fashion, but I've settled on a still one for the photo. 

The other photo is of the cleared hillside above the first houses into the upper glen - not very easy underfoot when you try to get up to the ridge, but surprisingly easy on the eye. On our way back down we saw a heron rise majestically over the burn and flap off downstream and felt some - not all - of the self-induced travel stress melt away.

And now I must cease from maundering - I've three times fallen asleep over the keyboard and found I'd written nonsense. And tomorrow I've an overnight hotel to book ...

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