Mae'r elyrch ar eu nythod

Mae'r elyrch ar eu nythod ~ The swans are on their nests

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Gwnes i orffen adran arall o nenfwd Daniel yn y bore. Roedd yn gyflymach na'r disgwyl yn y diwedd. Un adran mwy nawr a byddwn ni wedi cwblhau'r nenfwd cyfan.

Roedd amser gyda ni yn y prynhawn i fynd allan i Barc y Rhath am gwpl o oriau i fwynhau cerdded o gwmpas y llyn ac yn eistedd ar sedd yn y gerddi blodau gyda hufen iâ.

Mae'r elyrch ar eu nythod ar yn o bryd ac mae'r gwyddau yn edrych ar ôl eu cywion gwyddau. Roedd llawer o bobl ar y llyn ac roedden nhw'n mwynhau gwylio'r adar.

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I finished another section of Daniel's ceiling in the morning. It was faster than expected in the end. One more section now and we'll have the whole ceiling completed.

We had time in the afternoon to head out to Roath Park for a couple of hours to enjoy walking around the lake and sitting on a seat in flower gardens with ice cream.

The swans are currently on their nests and the geese are looking after their goslings. There were lots of people at the lake and they were enjoying watching the birds.

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