Starting Over

I had great plans for today. Hang pictures on walls, get the motorbike back on the road, go for a run/to the gym. Instead, I have been tidying, backing up and resetting an old laptop. Now that Mrs C has a MacBook, we have no real need for the laptop. My suspicion is that due to its age (6 years) and previous slow running problems, it will not be worth anything, even after a reset. But I’ll take it to CEX just to see what they offer. If it’s just a derisory amount, then we’ll see if any local organisations can make use of it instead.
In between copying files to a pen drive and setting off sundry system restarts, we seem to have spent the day in and out of various supermarkets, tracking down all the items we couldn’t find/forgot when we did our weekly shop yesterday.
On the plus side, it has been another sunny, warm day so being out and about was no hardship. And I sold the pair of “temporary”curtains we’d used from Christmas until recently whilst our new lounge curtains were being made.
Maybe I’ll do tomorrow, what I was planning to do today. But I’m not holding my breath - life has a habit of chucking curve balls at the best laid plans and intentions!

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