
Met Mrs C outside the library this morning and wondered why she was peering intently at one of the large planters that are liberally scattered around the pedestrianised area. She’d spotted a couple of ladybirds and the closer we looked, the more we found - in fact the whole tub was crawling with ladybirds of varying sizes and numbers of spots. Never being one to pass up a Blip opportunity I snapped this little fellow heading along a leaf towards me.
A lovely sunny day today. We went to the gym this afternoon and it was definitely quite warm in there, even with the window open. If the good weather continues, I’ll have to start going earlier in the day to get a cooler environment.
Play rehearsal this evening. I haven’t been to one for a few weeks so I doubt I’ll remember where I’m supposed to be on stage. Though even if I could remember, I suspect the director will have changed it all around in my absence, anyway.

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