Geocache maintenance trip

I went to do some more maintenance today. This is a series of 25 caches that I share with a geocaching friend, Sarah. 
However, she moved down south and I have had to do all the maintenance for a few years now. I don't want to get rid of them because it's a lovely place to walk, along the Old Coach Road on Lord Derby's Estate and permission is very unlikely to be given for any new ones in the future.
Today I did numbers what I call the top half of the trail, involving 10 caches (it used to be 13 but we archived 3 that were on a side road). I had a few to replace that had gone missing and some I replaced because they looked scruffy or dirty or were damp inside and one I chose a better hide.
I'm not looking at the other part of the trail just yet (although not as many caches had gone missing from that section) as I need to rest my sciatica and arthritis before walking that stretch. It would be better if I could split the walk into 3 sections but there is nowhere to park to do it that way. I could do with an electric scooter or electric bike to get me up and down that trail!
Photo is of one of the replacement containers with a mixture of natural camouflage materials to disguise it
Another beautiful day today although a bit windy.

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