Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Thursday — The Scenic Route

This morning we woke-up to rain, which is almost always delightful. We needed to drive to San Luis Obispo for a 10:30 appointment with my Central Coast doctor for therapy on thumb. I have nerve damage from surgery last July.

On our way back to the coast today from San Luis Obispo we both commented about the beauty of the landscape. I casually lifted my phone to take photos. Every picture could have been selected for today’s blip. Beauty was viewed in every direction.

We normally drive toward the coast on Hwy. #1 thru Morro Bay and then 4 miles north to Cayucos. Today we had been to the Costco store in SLO, which is in the southwest region of the city; so, we chose to drive west from San Luis Obispo on Los Osos Valley Blvd and enjoyed the farmland, the ranchs, the fields of produce, and the wide open pastures. We traveled beyond the business district of Los Osos to the nursery and walked the grounds for a few minutes.

Then we got back in the car and headed to the house. Later Mr. Fun would have a 4:00 o’clock phone appointment with his prostate cancer doctor. We also had a 4:30 meeting with a couple of guys to talk about upgrading our patio and making it more useable by covering it.

Our field trip today was not only beautiful, it was a lot of fun.

From California’s Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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