Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Friday — Rain, Rain Don’t go Away

Our day started with rain, lots of it. We had rain yesterday afternoon and last night, but we never thought it would continue through till this morning. We get so little rain in our part of California that we thoroughly enjoy it.

I’m sure Chloe and Mitzi would give a slightly different critique. When I bring them in from a quick trip to the back yard, I wrap each of them in a towel and then gradually unwrap them as I use my hair blow drier to warm them up and dry their fur. They both love the warm air and the spa-type treatment.

Mr. Fun & I each had an extra cup of coffee or two and enjoyed a quiet morning watching the weather front move thru our region. By early afternoon the rain was gone, the pavement was dry, and no one would have believed that we woke-up to rain this morning.

Because we had been out a good portion of yesterday, we were delighted to enjoy a day at our house. Late in the afternoon I started my gradual packing for our O-dark-thirty exit this Sunday morning to journey south. We do not have any appointments once we get there, but we both think it is time to check on the other place and see some grandkids and maybe accomplish some medical things. This is the carefree agenda of retirement that we dreamed about for years and now are enjoying thoroughly.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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