
It was quite difficult to photograph these daffodils as there was a fierce easterly wind blowing them towards me. We have many different varieties of daffodil as our garden used to be a market garden where bulbs were grown and sold. It's hard to choose a favourite but these are definitely in the top 5. They grow under the horse chestnut tree, which is rapidly coming into leaf.

I went out for a walk early this morning, before anybody was about. The only people I saw were in cars or tractors. Back in the garden, I heard my first blackcap of 2022 (1st willow warbler was yesterday). It's so amazing that these tiny birds fly so far to come and grace our gardens with their beautiful song.

Feeling better today except for a really annoying tickly cough. I'll do a test tomorrow (Day 6) and see what's what. I might even feel up to some light gardening...I hope so, there's plenty to be done!

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