Shifting day

What a huge day. I travelled up stopping off at Methven to have a wonderful lunch with old school friends and arriving here at the farm at Darfield just after. All the family all in different vehicles with trailers on behind and the big furniture truck.
I had bought all the evening meal but what a shemozzle getting an unfamiliar gas range to work. It sure needs an overhaul. The house is over 100 years old. It will be repainted but is going to be very comfortable inside.
Whew today is going to be big getting unpacked but many hands make light work so it will be accomplished
I have bacon and egg pies for lunch and elder son says he is doing the evening meal as none of us want to go to the pub which was suggested. Too much covid about
I had a very comfortable bed but was still awake at 3am and am up with a cup of tea at 7.30 am. It will be a long day
Yesterday travelled up through beautiful scenery but no time to stop so my Blip is the furniture truck
Will try and do better tonight
So there will probably be no commenting until I am home again

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