Pou Nou

Haitian Creole apparently. "For us." Though on this occasion it was just for me. Look at that weather though! Disgraceful. By the time we departed Porto Cristo it had stopped raining but as forecast the wind was getting up.
The SK thoughtfully* dropped me off down town. Blimey, through the desolate wind blasted streets I trod. Walshies, closed. Supertramps, the Toby Jug, Jimmy’s all closed. All the shit bars. And then I heard unmistakable football commentary. The Little Tavern! It was small, but I squeezed in through the fatties and got a seat. By then it was 2-1 to the arse.
Back poolside, I managed to hold onto the sunbed while the trees shook in the wind. At least the clouds were blown away too.

* having been appraised of the televised nature of the Arsenal v Man U game

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