I say, I say, I say.

What's worse than finding a Slug in your Lettuce?

Finding half a slug!

I chopped 1/3 of it off recently for a salad.
The lettuce, what did you think I meant?
It was finely chopped and I can vouch for its total lack of protein on that occasion.

Today, it was ham/egg/salad sandwiches, different approach ... I strip off a leaf at a time and use it as a sheet of vegetation. I found this critter lurking under the top "sheet".

I wonder if it's Organic?

The lettuce you pillock not the Wurrum. Strange to relate, I found a total lack of any evidence Willy/Wilhelmina had ever eaten, or "passed out" any of the lettuce. It'll think it's in heaven now ... "Up to the umliqueues" in compost bucket.

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