Hero Guitars

I don't know why this lot put up with our feckless strumming. Here we have a selection of guitars from this evenings 'middle aged men play the blues' session. Clearly we are not playing anything like the blues, more a selection of odd pop songs from the past few years, nothing you'd expect from a typical dad band, well apart from a little cure.

I was wondering what you would call a collective of middle aged men playing instruments..

A row?
A hubbub?
A Confusion?
A Racket?
You get the idea. The fact is though this is fun.

I had a sales meeting this morning with a not quite startup, their technology is one of those completely bleedin' obvious ideas that is so simple it is alarming. Not sure anything will come of it but it is always great to meet people with great ideas and simple (yet brilliant products).

There is other news, of a mower nature but you'll have to wait for that.

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