This is the day

By wrencottage

Glorious anticipation ...

I've had a busy day today clearing the detritus from my dressmaking alteration sessions in my craft room. This is clearing the way for the arrival of some new fabric that I ordered this afternoon, and which I'm so excited about. I haven't really done any sewing for myself for a long time and I seem to have got the bit between my teeth. I'm hoping to make a skirt and a dress for the warmer weather (when it comes).

Roses are among my most favourite flowers, and my garden has many rose bushes. (I somehow forget about the need for dead heading when I'm in a nursery!) As a result the summer months see me out every morning dead heading for all I'm worth, but I enjoy chatting with passers by in my front garden as I battle with the floribundas and their abundance of flora!

We had some rain this afternoon, but when the sun came out afterwards I popped out into the back garden and I loved the way the sunlight was shining through the leaves of the rose bushes. I just can't wait for my roses to bloom ... be prepared for an onslaught of rose photos in June! When this particular bush is in flower, it has gorgeous yellow blooms which I can see from my kitchen window.

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