After a long day of trying to get a decent blip (and failing) this was a great moment! A fist pump in the air moment...

I've been trying to check many things off of my list before heading downstate tomorrow to see my Parents and my Grandma. It's been a very busy day. In between jobs and chores I spent a few minutes chasing birds, looking for bugs or anything interesting. I took my camera everywhere today and nothing happened. Funny that it should go this way on one of the first sunny days we've had in a while. I could hear the birds (it sounds like an aviary outside) but couldn't get one to hold still or get close enough. I had all but given up and was going to blip a house fly (seriously, first the bug I've seen this year). It was exciting to me, but I didn't really want to blip it. One task on my list was to clean out the car. A winter of wet dogs in a vehicle renders it kind of gross. It was a big job.

The daylight was fading and my chances of a good blip are looking slim... It just may have to be a house fly. Then, as I was finishing the car, I spotted Mr. Tufted Titmouse on the peanut feeder! Man, are you kidding me?... I've got my macro lens on... That just wont do! Quick as a ninja I switched to the long lens and that little guy was none the wiser. I moved into position and BAM! I got the shot.

Ok, that made me sound like a talented bird stalker. But, in reality, this bird was so intent on getting that peanut, a bomb could have gone off and he'd have still been at it. He was obsessed. A few of the shots even show the whites of his eyes he was so excited. Big nut job.

Many thanks to Debbi for the suggestion to put out a peanut feeder! I had almost given up on it, as it has sat untouched for a month right next to the popular seed feeder. But I guess patients (and timing) paid off.

This will be my first time on a trip while blipping. I intend to keep up with commenting. But if I seem absent, please know that I will catch up soon.

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