Cameras and Stuff

After yesterday's abortive trip to Leeds I set out again this morning with my camera bag.  In addition to my 'big camera', one of our compact cameras has been stuck on open for some time so I put that in as well.  I've always had excellent service from the Jessop folks and today was no exception.  

It seems the fault with my camera is a common one but it will have to go away and may not return before our holiday, so I'm hanging on to it till our return following advice from the member of staff.  He then took a look at the compact and plugged it in to recharge, suggesting I go and have a cuppa whilst it took on juice.  Waterstones is just down the road so I ordered a toasted teacake and a coffee and settled down with the book Becky passed on to me last week, which I'm really enjoying.  It's 'Still Life' by Sarah Winman.  There are several references to the works of a poet, Constance Everley, within its pages and I thought I might treat myself to one of her books.  I googled her before I went searching the poetry shelves and discovered, rather sadly, that she is a fictional character!!  I was quite looking forward to enjoying some poetry, something I haven't done since I used to teach.

Back at Jessops, the very helpful chap handed over my fixed compact!  Apparently, some technical 'jiggling' sorted the obstinate telefoto lens, something I would never have considered doing, being so precious about my expensive camera equipment.

Back home it was time to get out in to the garden, to do some needed weeding and record the progress of the mini meadow.  There's a couple of plants I can't identify yet so I'll leave them in place till I'm able to.  The yellow rattle has spread pretty much across the patch which is great news.

My blip was taken inside Jessops with my 'poorly' camera which decided to work for a while!

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