Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

New desk

Too good for work. I shall make it my creative hub. Having had it delivered and assembled, I decided to strip the room back and let the light in (metaphorically speaking). 

Back to earth with a bump. Post Barcelona blues. FTFAGOS as my old man used to say (if you don’t know what it means you would probably find the explanation offensive). I did enough work to get wound up by it and to add insult to injury got my payslip which showed that they still haven’t processed my additional hours after three months. I’ll get it all backdated eventually but it’s not motivational.

Went in to the bookshop for coffee. Ordered a volume on Gaudi. The sun shone. I finished the day having done plenty of work and plenty of domestics but without any feeling of satisfaction.

I just want to be me. 

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