Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A modern classic

One of the great pleasures of travelling is bringing home things which you can then enjoy as part of your daily routine, in this case drinking a damn fine cup of coffee (and I do make a very decent brew). These beans came home with me from Barcelona and produce a silky smooth finish and no bitterness; our only other purchase was a print from the Picasso Museum which I took up to our local picture framers yesterday. Put the two together and I am in heaven; fine art and fine coffee. A perfect way to spend time.

I struggled today, partly because I was awake for two hours during the night, partly because work is a pile of pooh, and partly because the weather has turned grey and cold. To cheer myself up this afternoon I took a break and watched fifteen minutes of that cheesy old favourite The American President. Anette Benning being witty, gorgeous and tenacious and Michael Douglas being gruff, charming and worldly wise. Packed full of great quotes including "We need to schedule more events where somebody gives me a really big fish" which is surreal, funny, warm and  interesting all at the same time.

I sometimes think dying and going to heaven would be about spending eternity inside all your favourite movies and each time they come up fresh as a daisy. How's that for a vision of the hereafter?

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