The precious day

Today we celebrete National Veterans' Day here in Finland. By that we honor and remember all the war veterans of Finland. The last day of war of the Finnish Defense Forces was 27 April 1945. I don't have any real touch of the war, thankfully. My parents were still children, so at least they didn't have to take part of it, if that is better experience at all.

However, I have had an honor to work in the place of Rehabilitation hospital meant only to war veterans of Finland. I could never had believed that men with experiences of the horrors of war would be able to preserve humanity, and even much of it. Many men didn't survive, many was wounded physically, many mentally. However, everyone got some scars for the rest of their lives. Only in recent years the men that wounded mentally have was officially acknowledged by our country. In the past only physically wounded men were kept real soldiers. The change in the attitude took place too late for many men, but some of them were still alive to see the day of respect.

All honor to our veterans.

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