The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The cardboard sign

You may or may not agree with the above. I record in passing. Snapped on the way up to the boys' nursery.
Some lovely houses up that way, if you can see past that sign.

The twins were a bit fighty today. Grandparents came and relieved me at the usual time, and gave me a leaving present. They said I'd been fantastic. I said, 'but the boys keep telling me they hate me'. It wasn't my last day, because I've got the twins again tomorrow for seven hours. Yes, seven hours. My oh my...

After that I went and set up the market. Walked home because CS had already driven home, cooked the tea, stamped some catalogues, and watched TV. Ate too much Easter egg chocolate. Now watching Newsnight, wondering what will happen next in Northern Ireland.

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