Blue Friday

After another restless night I was up and organised when little one arrived. I decided to take him over to Wooler to have lunch with my Mum…forgetting that the road was closed halfway there so I had to take a diversion. It did mean he took a nap before we arrived so he was full of beans.

Arrived home mid afternoon and had a quick trip to the park and shop before my sister arrived to pick up my nephews stuff. As the wee one had had a second nap on the way home he’s been a little devil tonight and only went to bed about 8.30pm…hopefully he’ll sleep around the clock!

A quick blip from the prom today…everything was looking very blue this afternoon. It was very warm inland but still a little chilly at the coast. Hoping to get into Berwick to see some of the Riding the Bounds tomorrow but it will depend what time the little one is transferred over to his other grandparents.

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