By lizzie_birkett


Bella had great fun this morning when I took her up the track. First off she met her bestest friend Baxter the black Cocker Spaniel who used to leave across the back from us. Long lost friends, they raced about and stopped to lick each other then raced about again and rolled over one another. I forgot to take a photo but on our way back a man was going our way with two brown Cockers - also boys. Bella was in her element - 3 boys in one day. The biggest of the two was very subservient - just as she likes ‘em and rolled over as soon as she came near him. They all had a rare old time.
She has slept the rest of the day, sometimes on her outdoor bed and sometimes in the shade. Such a happy girl, such a floozie!

I’ve hardly done a thing today! I sat outside in the lovely sunshine and read the paper, hung some washing out and that’s it.
Oh, I made flapjacks.

I was listening to the racket of motor mowers and strimmers and it made me think of my Mum with her push lawnmower back in the 60’s/70’s.
I can still see her in her summer dresses - her own creations - doing the garden. She loved it.

Mowing her Lawn

How my Mum loved to mow the lawn,
‘It’s good exercise!’ she would shout,
as she pushed the old Qualcast to and fro
and she certainly was fit, there’s no doubt.
I can still hear the gentle whirrr…..whirrr
as she made stripes like a bowling green.
Mum delighted in flowers, took so much pride
in that little garden at number seventeen.

Going to have a cuppa and 1 or 2 (or 3) flapjacks.
Hope you’ve had a good day.
Goodnight ;-)X

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