New reality day 642

I've spent the whole day doing decor. Well, I did visit a hardware store to get some items. I ended up with some items that weren't on my list too.

Left side you can see part of the floor I panted before going to Saimaa. I used the end of the paint to make the dark grey area behind our towels and such. I like it. I also now know how to continue with the bathroom. I saw this beautiful wall / separator that needs to be ordered specially but will do so nicely for us. (It's a big bathroom.) And before that I will paint the wall behind the shower. Not yet, but after our vacation perhaps.

I also did some work in our house utility room, but that's not in the picture. It turned out great, but as it is a work space, it's not that pretty in picture.

I bought new decorational sauna rocks. White! They are used on the surfice level only to give nice look. They are also supposed to soften the löyly (steam coming from the rocks once you throw water on it). But as our sauna is dark, the white rocks makes a great contrast. I love it!

Then we have our kitchen which is not finished yet. Today I made the lower cabinet doors. There's one white space which waits for the upper cabinets to be finished (with marble cover) and then I'll see how I'll sort that space. I have two options. 

Next it's walk with Buddha and then the new and improved löyly trial.

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