A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Hundreds of Tulips...finally

It's Saturday. It didn't start out good. But sometimes that's the way of it.

Planted lettuce, leeks, onions, beets, cucumbers, tomatillos, kale, chard, cabbage and some other stuff I can't remember right now, and that was heavenly. I was not in the mood but the mood arrived once I dug in. That's the thing with gardening for me, it never fails to bring me back around to some sort of center - balance - dirt under the finger nails - reality. I know. some of you won't understand and I'm okay with that. It's something deep inside of me that I don't even understand.

It's Mother's Day tomorrow. What the heck? Mother's Day? What does that mean anyway? And when you have married children, doesn't that mean that Mother's Day will become complicated? Every married couple has two mothers essentially, right?

So today I am thankful for these slooooooooooow growing tulips that I blipped on March 30th , when they first appeared. It seems like forever that they finally bloomed in their pretty pastel Easter colors. Perhaps I planted them late, but whatever the reason, here they are, in their pastel glory. (I'm not that fond of pastels - I prefer deep dark serious colors, but tulips are always a joy, as far as I'm concerned).

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