Paolozzi- a creative Titan

I am indulging in some nostalgia  for  Mono Monday challenge for something literary. It’s a photo of the book I wrote on the sculptor Eduardo Paolozzi.
Many years ago I did a masterclass with him, the last he ever did. He asked us to keep a diary of our days working alongside him in Edinburgh College of Art. Some years later I published it .
 ( Paolozzi Revealed- Ten days with a creative Titan)
Paolozzi had a reputation for being a volatile artist with a violent temper yet underneath he could be kind, gentle and thoughtful.
I remember on the last day of the class, while we were all struggling in the studio to finish our work, conscious time was running out, he came around to each student offering us some jelly-babies, an instant sugar high, to help us through.
 I have fond memories of my time in his studio.
(Thanks to 60plus for hosting tody's challenge).

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