
By Wildwood


Technology problems
No email
No telephone
No ability to figure it out
A good referral
And two hours later a very nice young man
fixed everything in 15 minutes
And carefully explained
That when everything gets turned off
You must
Turn it on" from the outside in"

It's embarrassing to admit that the cause of the failure was that the power strip had a loose connection! But it is good to know that we now have somebody to call when we're feeling stupid, who won't make us feel stupid!

Walking the dogs, Dana and I both commented on the wildflowers. While Rudy was digging his way to China (he is a daschund, after all, and never met a hole that didn't need further excavation) I made a number of efforts to photograph the meadows of wildflowers. The pictures looked like grass, rippling for the naked eye, but static in the camera's. I inelegantly laid down on the rocky ground for some close-ups. Not bad, but not what I wanted. Neither are the lupins (which never fail to make me think of Monty Python), but they are pretty next to the old fence and they presented me with my last opportunity for a wildflower blip before having to go home and vacuum the house, which is filling up with dog hair and the dried grasses that go along for the ride in their feet and ears, up their noses and tangled in their fur.

Some of these grasses are amazingly clever at hitching rides on passing people and animals to a congenial place to replant themselves. (Although dropping off on our hardwood floors doesn't seem that clever.) It might be interesting to try and capture some of them....

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