Golwg newydd

Golwg newydd ~ New view

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Rydyn ni'n yn Drala Jong am ychydig o ddiwrnodau. Byddwn ni'n gosod pebyll ar gyfer ordeiniad encil yn niwedd y mis pan fyddwn ni'n croesawi mwy o bobl i mewn i'r grŵp o bobol sy wedi cymryd addunedau.  Heddiw cerddodd Nor'dzin a fi o gwmpas y tir. Roedd e'n ymweliad cyntaf gan Nor'dzin ers y storm a dygodd lawer o goed i lawr. Roedd hi'n gallu gweld y dinistr a'r golwg newydd hefyd.

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We are in Drala Jong for a few days. We will be setting up tents for retreat ordination at the end of the month when we welcome more people into the group of people who have taken vows. Today Nor'dzin and I walked around the land. It was Nor'dzin's first visit since the storm that brought down many trees. She could see the devastation and the new view as well.

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