
By Paladian

One too many

Maybe this may be one too many bees, but I figured they won't be around for much longer. Even now there are fewer and fewer each day, and I haven't seen a Blue Banded Bee for at least a week.

Be that as it may, this bee image really shows how they definitely have four wings when you might think they only have two. If you look behind this bee's left ear - no, not that left, the other left. See it, right there. You can see the two wing joints. The smaller of the pair of wings is actually on the inside of the larger wing, and I don't know if you can make this out, but I can see where the wings might actually latch together in flight.

I won't rabbit on about wings any more and I do recognise that there might be a very few people out there who don't share my passion for bees.

Fly, fly away

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