
Last week, I had organized a skip to be put in my mother’s driveway. The piles of garden waste that had accumulated in her garden had become too big to handle otherwise. 
Today, this lorry came to collect the full skip, first thing in the morning. And it broke down on the small street, just in front of my mother’s gates.

As I came visiting her with my usual load of groceries, the driver had already waited three hours for a mechanic to arrive. This is when I took this photo. They had just started to lift the cab to access the engine.

About two hours later, when I left, the mechanic was hard at work underneath the engine, while the driver still waited. Apparently, the starter hat given up its ghost and had to get exchanged. They expected the repairs to take another couple of hours.
Meanwhile, no other car could pass the truck. And although the street was completely closed all day, nobody complained. People just turned their cars around and used a parallel street. That’s village life for you, so relaxed!

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