A Week or Two Yet!

We went up to Haytor Vale to meet Marian's cousin and her husband for lunch, they're always good company and we had a good lunch. As we were close, I thought we'd go along to Emsworthy Mire to see if the bluebells were out. As we walked down there Marian spoke to a guy dressed in camo with a long lens. He was looking for a cuckoo, you can always hear one around there anytime after April.

We carried on to the red barn, there are a few patches of bluebells but I think it will be another week or maybe two before it looks good. I couldn't resist getting down low for a closeup shot against the barn.

On the way back there was getting to be quite a twitch developing. I think the cuckoo was further over towards Emsworthy Rocks. it seems very sad that when I was a youngster, cuckoos were common as muck, you heard and saw them everywhere. Now they're on the Red List, which means the highest conservation priority.

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