Lone tulip

This is a single tulip which flowers every year in the garden despite  having been moved three times in three years! I really must get it some companions for next year, although I've said that each year it has appeared. 
Unfortunately the guest flat at mum's is already booked for the extra nights I wanted so I will be moving back to Charlotte's for the final three nights and travelling over to mum on the day of the funeral. I'll stay with mum until Wednesday evening, it's only an hour to get back so it will only be the Thursday I won't be able to spend with her. A bit of a setback but just one of life's little curved balls!
Mum's water in the flat is still behaving and it's been wonderful to speak to her each day without her being upset about it. I can almost see her smiling when she tells me she's had another shower without mishap.
I've spent the last few days sorting the growing room, planting on seedlings so they will survive while I'm away, so long as Barry remembers the watering! It's good to see the plants doing really well let's hope that continues when they finally get outside into the ground. A super time of year to watch everything coming to life.

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