Windmill 'De Verwachting', Tholen

'De Verwachting' = 'The Expectation' or, perhaps better, 'The Anticipation'.  Of more wind?  Of success?  Of a better future?  Maybe all of the above!
See extras for other angles.

Thought it would be cloudier and fortunately it was not.  What I especially appreciated was the fact that the road works on the N286 were done, saving me a circuitous detour.  There is a cozy restaurant right next to it (that's what it looked like, anyway).  It's not really strange that a number of windmills have cafés and restaurants either inside them or attached to them.  The windmill is the best advert you can think of.  Whether or not the food is good?  I don't think we have time to try them all.  One exception might be if they serve oysters.

The hunt was right after I woke up, which was at the end of the morning.  Tholen is thankfully not all that far from us, although distances are relative, depending on what one is used to.  Later in the afternoon, the mechanic from the gas company spent a wee half hour replacing the meter.  The old one was already the type where the company could read it without our having to phone it in or fill it in online.  This new one is an even more sophisticated version.  I think that this is now in line not only with achieving more efficiency, environmentally speaking, and accuracy, but also with the view to eventually letting go of Russian gas, making sure supply is distributed more effectively.  At least, that's the idea I get.

AW has been taking his meds.  He is feeling much better.  And so we were able to enjoy our dinner at Sweed's and Benna's place early in the evening.  Their granddaughter, whom I'll call Lorelei, was there as well -- four years old and so very, very sweet and gentle, and spontaneous.  What a beautiful child!  Maybe next time, I'll take a shot of her.  I left AW there and picked him up later.  While he was out, hand-washed laundry and a new MOOC.  Yes, there are a number of new ones, with interesting subject matter.  More than two years of being unemployed, and I am not bored yet.

Another full day.  I like creating my own reasons to be thankful.

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