Waggy Weigelias

Another slow day, but bits faster than yesterday.

Supermarket errands.... kitchen duties...

Gaming, colouring mandalas...

Not really interested in the coronation as it is not relevant for us.  Caught two bits of it, though.  Never have I ever... seen a crowned head of state look so unhappy and uncomfortable.  (A sizeable chunk of irreverent and downright blasphemous text removed here in case some overzealous royalist chances on it.)  Oh well... the TV was off the rest of the time, and I thought fondly of the crowning of our own king ten years ago... now THAT was worth watching.  In the meantime, some Commonwealth members are busy preparing referenda for their independence.  As Dylan sings, 'The times they are a-changin.'  Not sure he and she realize that.

Somehow, the changin' times are something to be thankful for.  Never does any good to be stuck.

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